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  • Writer's pictureRALPH COPE

Why Ugly Wheeled Excavators Have All the Fun: 10 Jobs for the Unfortunate-Looking Workhorse

Updated: Jul 12

When you think of excavators, you probably picture those rugged, muscular steel-tracked machines that look like they could tear down a mountain without breaking a sweat. But what about their less attractive cousins, the wheeled excavators? Sure, they might not win any beauty contests, but they have their own set of unique talents that make them the perfect choice for certain jobs. Here are ten situations where you’d rather use an ugly wheeled excavator than a handsome steel-tracked machine.

1. Urban Jungle Gymnastics

In the concrete jungle, space is a luxury. Wheeled excavators can navigate narrow city streets and crowded construction sites with the agility of a gymnast. Tracked machines might look impressive, but they’d be like a bull in a china shop.

2. Roadside Assistance

When it comes to fixing up roads, wheeled excavators are the superheroes you need. Their ability to quickly move from one pothole to another makes them perfect for the job. Meanwhile, tracked machines would leave the roads looking worse than they found them.

3. Playing Nice with Pavement

Imagine the horror of watching your beautiful, freshly paved driveway get torn up by the tracks of a steel beast. Wheeled excavators are the polite guests that tread lightly, leaving your pavement unscathed.

4. Speedy Gonzales in the Yard

Need to get from point A to point B in a hurry? Wheeled excavators can zip around like they’re late for a very important date. Tracked excavators, on the other hand, move with all the urgency of a turtle on a Sunday stroll.

5. Keeping the Lawn Intact

For those delicate landscaping tasks, you want something that won’t turn your lawn into a battlefield. Wheeled excavators can delicately dance across your grass, while tracked machines would leave it looking like a scene from a war movie.

6. Parking Lot Perfection

When working in parking lots, you need something that can maneuver around cars without leaving a trail of destruction. Wheeled excavators are the perfect fit, while tracked ones would likely have you calling your insurance company.

7. The Great Indoors

For indoor demolition jobs, wheeled excavators are the way to go. Their ability to move smoothly across concrete floors without causing damage makes them ideal. Tracked machines inside a building? Let’s just say, that’s a recipe for disaster.

8. Quick Getaways

If you’re in a situation that requires a fast exit (not that we’re suggesting anything), wheeled excavators can make a speedy getaway. Tracked machines? They’d still be lumbering along while you’re already home and sipping your coffee.

9. Versatility is Key

Wheeled excavators can switch between tasks with ease, making them the Swiss Army knife of construction sites. Whether it’s digging, lifting, or even sweeping, they’ve got you covered. Tracked machines, while strong, are more like a sledgehammer—powerful but not always the right tool for the job.

10. Saving the Environment

Last but not least, wheeled excavators are kinder to the environment. They use less fuel and cause less soil compaction, making them the eco-friendly choice. Tracked machines might look tough, but they’re not winning any green awards.


While wheeled excavators might not have the rugged good looks of their steel-tracked cousins, they bring a unique set of skills to the table. They’re the unsung heroes of the construction world, tackling jobs that require finesse, speed, and versatility. So, next time you see a wheeled excavator, give it a nod of appreciation—it’s doing the jobs that handsome tracked machines can only dream of.


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